JA's classroom is a website where the students I teach can find the resources they need. This is the place to come for any lost worksheets, PowerPoint presentations that you can only half-remember, audio files to listen to again, and the prep instructions you forgot to write down! It’s also the place to look for links and lesson plans if I am unable to take a class or when you have been absent from school and need to find out what you missed. It also includes extension and revision materials, as well as other general information about Language, Languages, and Language Learning. Colleagues and pupils from other classes are welcome to use these resources too.

Archive for April, 2011

All – keep on learning

If you want to keep on learning languages throughout your life, here are 7 tips about how to do so, not in a classroom/school context:

7 tips to supercharge your 2nd language

All – bathroom, parts of body, make-up

Revision link of vocabulary relating to the above:

All – up to date reading material

If you are wanting to extend your reading in French, check out the following site aimed at French teenagers – there is a lot to look at here, i.e. something for everyone!


All – value of learning languages

Even if you are only interested in learning languages for advantages in the jobs’ market, this is already a good start! Check out the article in today’s Independent which confirms the value that employers continue to place on the ability to speak more than just English.

Languages for jobs


GCSE – Vocabulary and grammar

For anyone who wants to work systematically through vocabulary and/or grammar, do check out the following link, that will also be useful to 6th form students who should aim to know every word here perfectly!!!

Vocab/grammar revision



All – 20 Things You Didn’t Know About Language

1 The voice box sits lower in the throat in humans than it does in other primates, giving us a uniquely large resonating system. That’s why we alone are able to make the wide range of sounds needed for speech.

2 That also explains Mariah Carey, Barry White, and Robin Williams.

3 Unfortunately, the placement of our voice box means we can’t breathe and swallow at the same time, as other animals can (choke).

4 Fortunately, the human voice box doesn’t drop until about 9 months, which allows infants to breathe while nursing.

5 Still the one: Mandarin is the long-standing champ among world languages with 845 million native speakers, about 2.5 times as many as English.

6 But more than 70 percent of all the home pages on the Internet are in English, and more online users speak English than any other language, making it the world’s lingua franca (assuming you consider brb, omg, g2g, and rofl English).

7 Hey, the world will never change—right? English is mandatory for every student in China, starting in third grade. But in America, only 3 percent of elementary schools and 4 percent of secondary schools even offer Chinese.

8 Many science-related English words starting with the letters al—including algebra, alkaline, and algorithm—are derived from Arabic, in which the prefix al just means “the.”

9 This is a legacy of the medieval era, when ancient Greek and Roman knowledge was largely lost in Europe but preserved and advanced among scholars in the Islamic world.

10 Modern technology is making everything smaller, even our words. “Bits of eight” shrank to become byte, “modulate/demodulate” became modem, “picture cell” became pixel, and of course “web log” became blog.

11 At the other end, the longest word recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary is pneumono­ultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a lung disease caused by inhaling volcanic silicon dust.

12 Grüss dich, Dunkelheit, mein alter Freund. Three- to five-day-olds born into French-speaking families tend to cry with the rising intonation characteristic of French; babies with German-speaking parents cry with falling tones, much like spoken German. Infants may start learning language in the womb, it seems.

13 The neural equipment for language development then seems to ripen between birth and age 3. People deprived of language before puberty (due to isolation or abuse, for instance) might later learn a limited supply of words, but they never develop the ability to make meaningful sentences.

14 Other clues about language processing come from damaged brains. People who have sustained an injury to a region called Broca’s area have trouble producing even short phrases, indicating it is critical to speech.

15 And damage to the brain’s superior temporal gyrus can lead to Wernicke’s aphasia. Patients sound as if they are speaking normally, but what they say makes no sense.

16 In old Westerns, Native Americans often made a sound like “ugh.” This wasn’t a commentary on the plots; it was a naive attempt to reproduce the sound of the glottal stop of many Native American languages, produced by briefly closing the vocal cords during speech.

17 !Say !What? When the Dutch encountered Africa’s Nama people, whose language includes clicking sounds, they dubbed them Hottentots, Dutch for “stuttering.”

18 Really foreign sounds: Spanish Silbo, a whistle language, has only four vowel and four consonant sounds. Audible for miles, it resembles bird calls and is indigenous to—where else?—the Canary Islands.

19 Indian Sign Language is the world’s most widespread silent language, with some 2.7 million users.

20 Another sound of silence: More than one-third of the world’s 6,800 spoken languages are endangered. According to UNESCO, about 200 tongues now have fewer than 10 surviving speakers.

All – tableau périodique des éléments

If you are revising the elements for Chemistry, why not link it to French at the same time, and look a copy of the Periodic Table in French!!

Tableau périodique des éléments



All – colours in languages

If you want to improve your idiomatic use of language, and use expressions that involve colour words, check out the following link, which gives a list of expressions in 35 different languages, English included:

colour expressions


All – Lingua Franca

I attended a fascinating talk and discussion at the Oxford Literary Festival last week by Nicholas Ostler, author of the recently published:

The Last Lingua Franca – English until the Return to Babel.

He spoke about the history of lingua francas, why and how they come into being, and the reasons for their decline.

English being the current lingua franca, it is only a matter of time before this too loses its preeminence, speculates Nicholas Ostler.

All the more reason to be trying to become acquainted with as many different languages as possible!!

To help you in this, why not check out:


(Right click and open in a new tab).

There are 40 languages here, each with at least 12 essential phrases – go on, have a go!



All – typing accents in French

How to type French accents

Press the “alt” key while typing the following numbers on the numberpad on the right of your keyboard. You need to have the “Num Lock” function on

alt + 131 â
132 ä
133 à
130 é
136 ê
137 ë
138 è
139 ï
140 î
129 ü
150 û
151 ù
147 ô
148 ö
149 ò
135 ç
0156 œ